Jumat, 27 April 2012


for sefanie & elvina happy birthday a member of the rainbow, the healthier, more intelligent, and has grown to love the Lord, one another growing up. & Do not forget to also sorry late posting, once again happy birthday friend ...

Kamis, 12 April 2012

about music klasik

musik klasik, guys jenis musik ini enggak asing lagi di telinga kita
seperti hal nya banyak ibu-ibu hamil yang mendengar musik klasik untuk kandungannya.
tapi tahu kah readers, musik klasik memiliki kekuatan nya tersendiri,
terbukti dengan terdiri banyak sel-sel neuron bahkan sampai ber milyar-milyar
yang berpusat di otak kita, mampu merenggangkan sel-sel saraf (neuron) yang tadi nya tengang menjadi renggang kembali seperti semula,
maka dari itu, jika kita merasa ada tekanan baik berupa stess, binggung memilih
atau menetukan pilihan, banyak kerjaan menumpuk, lagi marah, bahkan lagi sedih sekali pun
pelangi menyarankan untuk mendengar lagu klasik, bahkan untuk ibu-ibu yang hamil lagu klasik dapat mempertingkatkan daya berpikir dan konsentrasi bagi si buah hati...
ada banyak lagu klasik yang menakjubkan disarankan untuk di dengar seperti karangan beethoven,Johann Pachelbel dengan judul instruman Canon in D Major,karangan mozart, dll...

sekian info yang sedikit ini readers...

Jumat, 06 April 2012

exalted friday

have you had church today,
Friday is the day when the great savior of mankind atone for the vile and filthy, he was sacrificing everything just for us on the cross even before that he was in the whip. in drag, in contempt, the betrayers just for us,
He was willing to become poor for us to be rich
He was willing to be stretched to us to be valuable
until at last he said:
... "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." ... Luke 23:46
it is paid off we are redeemed from sin which is in the abyss.
so there's no harm in it we had church on this day even in the next days readers
there is a poem that said something like this:
"He's 33 years preparing to sacrifice for the world.
He's 3.5 years of joy greeted the news ..
30 pieces of silver he betrayed ..
3 hours He hung on the cross
3 nails were driven in His hands and feet.
more than 3 liters of blood is poured out for you
He was 3 days in a cave tomb
and three words that would convey HE
"good Easter"